Tests Made Interesting: Keyboard Tester
Trevor Hendricks2025-03-06T12:58:21-06:00Every test plan should reflect their product’s uniqueness. Austin Reliability Labs understands that different products require different types of reliability testing which is why our testing experts work closely with our clients to create a test plan that best serves the product while being appropriate, useful, and comprehensive.
Sometimes, there’s not a ready-to-use testing method available, which is why we offer customized testing solutions. Our technical staff knows product testing and has a vested interest in ensuring their state-of-the-art testing methods will remain relevant throughout any product’s life cycle.
In this latest edition of tests made interesting, team ARL develops the keyboard tester, a custom testing apparatus, capable of simulating over 1 million keystrokes in just 74 days of operating time. Designed to capture years of wear and tear, the keyboard tester uses pneumatic tubes to replicate impacts caused by standard keystrokes. Realistic results are achieved by randomized inputs created by a moving linear gear fixture.
Custom testing is best at discovering specific insights that other tests aren’t designed for. While a Rockwell hardness test could be used to determine how much impact a keyboard device could withstand, the test only accounts for one permanent impact. The creative keyboard tester was constructed to analyze the amount of typical impacts a keyboard can receive before malfunctioning.
Keyboard devices found on products such as kiosks, cellphones, and computers all stand to benefit from this piece of custom testing equipment in addition to our environmental testing methods such as ingress protection testing.
No matter the project, ARL has the testing equipment and expertise necessary to help improve any product’s design from the prototyping phase to the finish line.