Backed by test methods accredited to the ISO/IEC 17025 standards, ARL’s lab can ensure that your product meets industry specifications by Qualification Testing for numerous test standards. Some of the test standards for which we regularly test are listed below with additional information.
Of note, if you have another test standard for which your product requires testing (such as NEBS, SAE, MIL-STD 883/202/781, MIL-HNDK 217, ISO, JEDEC, GMW3172, API, IWIS, ASTM or more), please contact us at (512) 490-2294 or e-mail us at
Our lab also has over two decades of experience in all aspects of product reliability, including development, testing and analysis. Our recognized expertise includes A2LA accreditation, Qualmark and ASQ CRE certifications, an organizational membership with ASTM International as well as credentials from IEEE and military standards committees. We also provide an accredited third-party verification of test results and can perform supplier qualification audits.

IPC-9592A 2010
Requirements for Power Conversion Devices for the Computer and Telecommunications Industries
This specification sets the requirements for design; qualification testing; conformance testing and manufacturing quality / reliability processes for power conversion devices (PCDs) for the computer and telecommunications industries.

Department of Defense Test Method Standard for Environmental Engineering Considerations and Laboratory Tests
The military standard MIL-STD-810 test series addresses a broad range of environmental conditions that include: altitude testing; temperatures; temperature shock; humidity; sand and dust exposure; acceleration; shock; and random vibration.

International Electrotechnical Commission
60068 Environmental Testing, 60270 High-Voltage Test Techniques – Partial Discharge Measurements, 60529 Enclosure Testing, etc.

International Safe Transit Association
1 Series: Non-Simulation Integrity Performance Tests; 2 Series: Partial Simulation Performance Tests; 3 Series: General Simulation Performance Tests; 4 Series: Enhanced Simulation Performance Tests.

Environmental Conditions and Test Procedures for Airborne Equipment
DO-160 provides standard procedures and environmental test criteria for testing airborne equipment for the entire spectrum of aircraft from light, general aviation aircraft and helicopters through the “jumbo jets” and SST categories of aircraft.

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